Sometimes... you have a meeting in the Flatiron building. Not very often, mind. But at least once in your life.
The Flatiron Building. Home of Macmillan.
Sometimes... you go out for breakfast on Sunday and order 'the breakfast sandwich'. Not very often, mind. But you certainly wouldn't rule out doing it again.
And sometimes you walk around Prospect Park in the late afternoon sun, and it seems like something you'd be happy to do regularly.
Prospect Park - you wouldn't know it from this photo, but there were joggers and walkers and bike riders and horse riders and tobogganers and ice skaters - the place was packed.
My week finished up with another small press and a much larger one. Angus Killick at Macmillan was very interesting, especially about Fierce Reads, and ReaLITy, finding ways to keep the conversation going with readers after publication and between books, and the importance of the whole house being united behind a single message when it comes to the big books. Thanks so much for your time, Angus!
Also a big thanks to the super-charming and switched-on Meredith Barnes from SoHo Teen. SoHo are such an interesting small press - and their new teen list is really cool. I learned heaps from her about the state of publishing in general, about the challenges and opportunities of positioning a small list with roots in crime and mystery, and also about the hotness of the wait staff at Coffee Shop on Union Square. Thanks a million, Meredith!