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Susannah Chambers is a Commisioning Editor of books for children and young adults. For the last ten years she has worked at Allen & Unwin Publishers, with some of Australia's best, and best-loved, authors, including Maureen McCarthy, Andrew McGahan, Kate Constable, Nathan Jurevicious, Penni Russon, Laura Buzo and Lian Tanner.


Young Adult Fiction – Is it All Grown Up? 

As the Beatrice Davis fellow, Susannah will be spending February, March and April of 2014 in New York, learning as much as she can about YA publishing and editing - how it's different, and how it's the same as it is in Australia. 

Her project will focus on Young Adult editing and publishing at a time of fascinating growth and transition.  She will talk to editors and publishers across a range of small, independent publishers and large multi-national houses, to examine the print and online presence of the genre; the strategies being developed for cross-over publishing, editing and marketing; the effect of changing platforms and distribution channels.

She wants talk to New York editors about their passion for young adult books and authors, how they've seen the market and the books themselves change over the last several years, what they're excited about, and what they see as the challenges that face young adult publishing.